World record PAPE[R]ECORD - paper trees became real trees

18,100 paper trees were strung by the world record team in May 2021. The goal was to plant one real tree for every 50 paper trees in an area near Gratkorn.

On 8 October 2021, the time had come: almost 120 children from Gratkorn 1 primary school extended their hiking day to a "planting day" and transformed 400 young trees into a world record forest.

Many thanks to the municipality of Gratkorn for the perfectly prepared planting area. We would especially like to thank the team from Mayr Melnhof Forst, who provided the 400 plants (including protection against browsing) free of charge and supported the children during the entire planting campaign with a lot of expertise, passion and patience!

A big thank you once again to everyone who sent us paper trees!

If you want to visit the world record forest, simply follow the hiking trail into the Dult near Gratkorn; the woodland is located where the Dultstraße and the "Schrauß" come together.

Further informations

>> Info about the world record

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