What about the prizes?

Category I: Kindergarten & primary school (including "afternoon-care")
a total of € 600,-
- 1st place: € 300,- 
- 2nd place: € 200,-
- 3rd place: € 100,-

Category II: Secondary level I (5th-8th grade; including "afternoon-care")
a total of € 600,-
- 1st place: € 300,- 
- 2nd place: € 200,-
- 3rd place: € 100,-

Category III: Secondary level II (9th-13th grade)
a total of € 600,-
- 1st place: € 300,- 
- 2nd place: € 200,-
- 3rd place: € 100,-

Category IV: University / University of Applied Sciences
a total of € 600,-
- 1st place: € 300,- 
- 2nd place: € 200,-
- 3rd place: € 100,-

Category V: Individuals/families/"mixed groups" 
(e.g. clubs, (youth)-instituations, companies etc.)
a total of € 600,-
- 1st place: € 300,- 
- 2nd place: € 200,-
- 3rd place: € 100,-

In addition, several "special prizes" and "non-cash-prizes" will be awarded.

Public-voting-award: € 200,- (additional to the jury prizes):
All projects are published for an online voting - the project with the most votes will be the winner.

The total-value of the prizes (depending on the special prizes) is about  4.000,- €!

Big "Tombola":
Many prizes (e.g. vouchers) will be raffled off among all participants!